What will be ignored throughout the next few days by ‘leaders’ like Leo Varadkar and those in mainstream media, is the political dimension to weather events like Hurricane Ophelia
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What will be ignored throughout the next few days by ‘leaders’ like Leo Varadkar and those in mainstream media, is the political dimension to weather events like Hurricane Ophelia
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“Water is a basic human right that should be paid for out of taxation.
Trying to privatise water forces the poorest to pay for what is a vital resource and results in a stealth form of double taxation.
This was true in the 1990’s when Eamon Gilmore used to parade himself as a left winger and it is still true today. Unlike Gilmore however, I intended to stick by my principles and a vote for Seamie O’ Boyle will be a vote against the turncoat politics of the current Labour Party and their FG partners.”
Seamus O’ Boyle People Before Profit candidate for Sligo Town in the upcoming local elections on 23 May.